

Project Cypher’s services include Penetration Testing, Red Teaming, Code Review, Internal Audits, Certifications, Training & Live Hacking, Advisory and more

Quality is our obsession

Expert Cybersecurity Professionals

Project Cypher’s extensive team are subject matter experts within their fields. From recruiting top tier pentesters and working with expert trainers, we ensure resources allocated to our clients deliver the best results possible

Penetration Testing

As the name suggests, this service can help test your web, mobile, desktop and embedded systems applications. This test utilizes real world attack strategies to uncover flaws and weaknesses due to the application itself and its relationship to the rest of the IT infrastructure.

Internal Audits

Employees and onsite machines and networks are your biggest vulnerability, and are the layer between your organization’s confidential data and operations integrity, and the outside world. 

Assessing the vulnerability of your computers, access control systems, employee devices and network will help you stay one step ahead of internal threats.

Cybersecurity Training

Employees are the weakest link in any organization’s security. Ensuring that your technical staff are equipped to keep your company safe from a technical standpoint and that your non-technical staff are aware of cybersecurity best practices will ensure your employees are your first and best line of defense.

Red Teaming

The Red Team Operations engagement consists of a realistic, “no holding back” attack scenario in your environment. The Project Cypher Red Team uses any nondestructive methods necessary to accomplish a set of jointly agreed upon mission objectives while simulating attacker behavior.

Network Architecture Review

A Network Architecture Review is a detailed analysis of relevant network artifacts (e.g. network diagrams, security and regulatory requirements, technology inventory, exposed applications and APIs, public/ private cloud utilization) to ensure that the network elements and overall solution architecture optimally protect critical assets, sensitive data stores and business-critical interconnections.

Virtual CISO

Our Virtual Chief Information Security Officer package allows startups and SMEs to benefit from the full support of a senior security expert without bearing the heavy cost of employing a full time one.

Code Review

A Secure Code Review is a specialized task with the goal of identifying types of weaknesses that exist within a given code base. The task involves both manual and automated review of the underlying source code and identifies specific issues that may be representative of broader classes of weakness inherent in the code. 

Compliance & Certifications

We support clients in reaching compliance with various security standards by assisting in the fulfillment of all compliance requirements, enabling you to receive the appropriate certification either for staff or for the organization as a whole. Additionally, our certification partners are fully equipped to certify your company whenever the compliance checks are met (ISO 27001, PCI DSS…)


Our dedicated security specialists closely monitor the digital environment of our clients. They detect and research cyber threats and suspicious activities such as advanced hacking attempts, data leaks, signs of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) and virus outbreaks.

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Being pro-active about your cybersecurity is not a luxury anymore, it’s a necessity